Networking and Internet Commands
Commons tools
- ifconfig: To check the status of the wireless connection you are using (to see if wlan0 has acquired an IP address).
- iwconfig: To check which network the wireless adapter is using.
- iwlist wlan0 scan: Prints a list of the currently available wireless networks.
- iwlist wlan0 scan | grep ESSID: Use grep along with the name of a field to list only the fields you need (for example to just list the ESSIDs).
- ping: Tests connectivity between two devices connected on a network. For example, ping will send a packet to the device at IP and wait for a response. It also works with website addresses.
wget Downloads the file example.txt from the web and saves it to the current directory.
nmap: Scans your network and lists connected devices, port number, protocol, state (open or closed) operating system, MAC addresses, and other information.
Network scanning
CLI tools
- netdiscover - Active/passive ARP reconnaissance command line tool.
- nmap -
- arp-scan - Display hosts on local network using ARP packets.
- nbtscan - Explore Windows network, scanning networks using NetBIOS protocol.
GUI tools
- zenmap - GUI for